Joe was on location and informed Barbara that only the water department is authorized to handle the water meter. He advised her to contact the water department directly in the future and to avoid tampering with the meter herself. Barbara responded by saying that she is unfamiliar with the water meter and mentioned that she resides in Naples for part of the year.


The customer reported that her trash and recycling carts were thrown on either side of her driveway. Joe visited the customer’s home to verify the issue and spoke with her directly. She confirmed that she had seen the carts being tossed aside while standing at her door. The customer mentioned that this has been a recurring problem and expressed difficulty in lifting the carts due to her disability. Joe apologized and assured her that he would notify WM and monitor the situation over the next two collection days. Joe contacted WM manager Angel by phone and email, requesting that the driver be informed to place the cart back where it was collected.


The customer reported that her neighbor had dumped a small pile of yard waste on her property. Joe visited the location and discovered that it was actually an empty lot. He then contacted the customer, who mentioned that her landscaping company had informed her that the neighbor at 2130 Jefferson Ave had disposed of yard waste, specifically coconut tree branches, on her property. However, she noted that she doesn’t have any coconut trees on her property. Joe assured her that he would reach out to the neighbor to investigate further.


Joe made a second visit to the customer’s neighbor to verify the dumping of a small pile of tree branches on their property. During the visit, the neighbor claimed to have no knowledge of the yard waste. Joe clarified that the branches were from a coconut tree, and since the neighbor doesn’t have a coconut tree, she realized the mistake. She promptly moved the yard waste and secured it for collection. Joe will follow up on Friday, August 30, 2024, to ensure everything is in order.



The customer reported that their recycling cart was missed on Saturday, 08/15/2024. Joe visited the customer’s house to investigate the complaint and check if the cart was still at the curbside. He spoke directly with the customer, who confirmed that the trash hadn’t been collected for about a month. Joe explained the HOC process and assured the customer that he would monitor the situation for the next two Mondays when the collection is scheduled. Joe also contacted Angel by phone and followed up with an email, requesting that the collection be done and HOC’d the following Monday.



Joe conducted a site visit and confirmed that the yard waste has been removed. He attempted to contact the customer, but there was no answer, so he left a voicemail requesting a return call.



Joe contacted the customer to confirm if the yard waste had been removed. The customer happily confirmed that WM had promptly returned to collect the waste and expressed appreciation for our efforts


Joe visited the site to verify the complaint, but found no evidence indicating that any liquid had been discharged into the storm drain.


The customer reported that the WM truck driver was seen dumping a liquid into a storm drain at approximately 12:30 PM on 08/29/24. Can you please verify this and investigate what actually occurred?


Joe attempted to reach the customer for the third time but received no answer. He left a voicemail requesting a callback.



Joe attempted to reach the customer by phone, but there was no answer. He left a voicemail requesting a return call.





Joe conducted a site visit to investigate the customer’s complaint. During the visit, he spoke directly with the customer, who confirmed that their trash had not been collected for about a month. However, the customer was pleased to report that the trash had been picked up the previous day. Joe then explained the trash collection process, leaving the customer satisfied.


Joe received a call back from the customer, who mentioned that the WM drivers had placed her trash and recycling carts far from her house. She explained that she recently had surgery, making it difficult for her to move the carts. She kindly requested that the WM drivers return the carts to the original location after collection, as she would greatly appreciate it.



Joe attempted to contact the customer multiple times, but received no response. As there has been no reply so far, the case will be closed for now. If the customer reaches out, the case will be reopened.



During a follow-up inspection, Joe noted that the violation still persists. He reached out to the realtor again at (239-000-0000). The realtor informed him that the property owner has instructed a lawn mowing company to remove the yard waste.




While patrolling, John observed yard waste improperly prepared for collection in a plastic bag. A review of the history showed an educational session on C&D in June 2023. Joe provided an educational booklet explaining the correct preparation of yard waste and placed it next to the improperly disposed yard waste.





While on location patrolling, Joe observed a dryer at the curbside that was not scheduled for collection by the customer. A review of the history indicated no previous education on this matter. Joe spoke to the customer, explaining the proper methods for disposing of white goods using the educational booklet, and scheduled the dryer for collection on 07/27/24.